09 settembre 2019
Universiteit Gent
On Monday September 9, 2019, the second LW Research Day takes place. Central theme is ‘digital humanities‘.
From a research perspective the term ‘digital humanities’ refers to the use of digital tools in existing research in the humanities, but also to new methodological opportunities and challenges arising from the use of digital tools, and even to the development of new methods for and to face new scientific challenges. The faculty wants to focus on the digital literacy of its staff in the coming years. During the LW Research Day we organize several lectures and information sessions, and we highlight the research of our faculty.
Musicology-IPEM presents the following demonstrations of ongoing research in its laboratories in the Krook:
Aitsi di Giacinto Scelsi con piano e Motion Capture
- Demo 1. Piano performance demonstrating the use of motion capture (using infra red camera’s) coupled to 3D-audio effect rendering system (using a 64 loudspeakers). The goal is to explore musical expression with innovative interactive multimedia that could be deployed in future concert halls.
- Demo 2. Hocket singing, demonstrating an experiment with focus on data-analysis. The goal is to measure the quality of an interaction, for better understanding the effect of musics on social empowerment.
- Demo 3. EEG-response on music, using a reinforcement learning system for music generation. The goal is to research brain-based biofeedback with music for medical applications.
- Demo 4. Looking at the Mystic Lamb with eye-tracking and responses on an fNIRS system. The goal is measure empathic responses due to interaction with the painting.